– the Global Platform for Conversational Commerce

Be part of it

Today, people all over the world are connected. All day, every day. Imagine that you, as a business, could be part of their lives. Constantly searching for ways of connecting people with each other is what drives us. That’s where we come in: our mission is to make life easier, safer and more beautiful. provides this connection via messaging channels, a customer data platform, interactive voice solutions and Europe’s most innovative payment methods. Regardless of channel or device.


Conversational Commerce: Be exactly where your customers are

Businesses as well as their customers are looking for more efficient and customer-friendly ways to communicate with each other through mobile channels. Conversational Commerce promises just that; you can be exactly where your customers are. Conversational Commerce is the smart combination of all popular messaging channels, a customer data platform and payment solutions. It allows customers to contact businesses and finish the purchase to pay within their favorite messaging channel. Have rich, efficient and customer centric conversations with your customer on a mobile device, without any technological barriers.


Continuous innovation shaping the future

We’re driven by the vision that all communication will shift to mobile. Therefore, we continuously build on our private cloud platform shaping the future of Conversational Commerce. The core of our network is built with our in-house development team the last 20 years.

  • Geo-redundant private cloud network
  • ISO certified, GDPR compliant
  • Gartner CPaaS accredited provider
  • PCI-DSS certified

In the end, it’s all people business.

Regardless of what technology makes possible, we believe people make the difference. We believe in people. Using change to our advantage, adapt, stay agile and allow ourselves to fail and learn fast.

We’re convinced that when employees do what they enjoy, they get better at it. And then they have the most to offer customers, colleagues and That’s why we give everyone the opportunity to grow in a direction that he or she has the most pleasure in; in his or her own way. Because even though we’re all equal, we’re definitely not all the same. It is precisely this diversity makes CM colorful.

“A partnership which get's more intensive and makes grow postively” Corporate website

Career Day 2025 joins our Career Day on 14/11/2024 in Eindhoven and 19/11/2024 in Tilburg.
They are looking for students for:
  • Internship
  • Graduation
  • Job
  • Sidejob
with a study programme:
  • Business
  • Software Engineering is involved with:


Software Engineering - Semester 2 - Demand based fulfills the role of client in the projectgroup.

Software Engineering - Semester 3 - Demand based fulfills the role of client in the projectgroup.

Other Activities

Review 2024 by

Organization of Cooperation 8
Quality of education 7
Adequate knowledge to students 6
Cooperation last year 7
Average 7
All Reviews
CLB Integrated Solutions B.V. Cohesive