
Business trip to IMTS 2018 Chicago 17/07/2018 From 9 to 12 September 2018 BOM International Trade in collaboration with InnovationQuarter and the Consulate in Chicago, organizes an exploratory business trip to the International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS) 2018. Read more
Milestone: signing covenant 100th PiE 06/07/2018 The (re) signing of the covenants on July 3, 2018 had a festive touch. We have proudly reached the milestone of the 100th Partner in Education! The Province of Noord-Brabant was administratively the 100th PiE on the list, but that day was a small party for all attendees. Read more
Big Data Insight 21 June 15/06/2018 The next "Big Data Insight" is about the delivery of assignments Applied Data Science and Data-Driven Business Lab. Our students present the results of the assignments they have carried out for companies and social parties for half a year. Around the presentations workshops will be organised to learn from each other and look for a connection. Of course there are plenty of network opportunities. Read more