
Innovative Pilot Eindhoven, Fontys and Atos 05/06/2017 In the GOV-magazine by Atos (a magazine about digital government) an article has been published about the joined pilot with the municipality Eindhoven. Read more
29 Partners sign up for another four years of co-operation with Fontys ICT 29/05/2017 Fontys Hogeschool ICT has been cooperating with the working field of the school for years. A true sign these cooperations really are sustainable is shown by the fact that this year 29 out of 73 Partners in Education have prolonged their colloboration with Fontys Hogeschool ICT for another four years. Read more
New Partner in Education - Plainwater 29/05/2017 On Tuesday May 23 the convenant Partner in Education between FHICT and Plainwater has been signed. Plainwater participates in the education in semester 3 ICT & Business. Read more