
Milestone: signing covenant 100th PiE

The (re) signing of the covenants on July 3, 2018 had a festive touch. We have proudly reached the milestone of the 100th Partner in Education!
The Province of Noord-Brabant was administratively the 100th PiE on the list, but that day was a small party for all attendees.

The first contact with the Province was two years ago during a hackaton. Later, the Province became the client for the minor Applied Data Science. A special collaboration between education and government has now emerged.
During the test run, great results have been achieved together with lecturers and students, such as the case about the prediction of dumping of drug waste, about which various items have already appeared in the news.
Striking: at first the Province of Noord-Brabant thought students would feel working with them was not sexy, but students have a lot of interest in socially responsible projects. A practical golden opportunity, working together with young professionals on great results.
Read the article on Fontys news.

More Partners
Other new Partners in Education also celebrated on July 3 the symbolic signing of the covenant: Embedded Fitness, StudyPortals, Fantazm and Blue Giraffe Games. Furthermore, FHICT celebrated the re-signatures for another third period of four years by ICT Group, Rabobank and Zetes.
The cooperation construction will certainly continue to exist. On to a new milestone!