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Why Partners in Education?

Student development

For Fontys Information and Communication Technology, helping students develop into professionals for the labour market is key. In addition to offering high-quality education, it is of great importance that the students become intimately familiar with how the business world operates during their studies. To make this possible, Fontys ICT has been cooperating with businesses in the professional field on the study curriculum for years. These are long-term relationships in which Fontys ICT introduces the businesses to their prospective future employees. The business show the students what the professional world is like.

Connecting to the business world

It is important for the business community that a sufficient number of ICT students graduate and that their skill set matches current professional practice. Through good cooperation with businesses, students receive up-to-date and challenging education, and partner-organisations can introduce them to the latest technologies. Fontys ICT wants students to be ready to start work after their education and to be able to apply theory directly into practice. Experience shows that the best partner in realizing this is the business community itself.

Spreading amongst studyroutes and minors

Have a look at our visual where you can see how the Partners in Education are spreaded amongst the studyroutes and minors.

To visual

What's in it for me as a partner?

Partners in Education and Fontys Information and Communication Technology both have high expectations of the collaboration, but both also get a lot in return. Companies can give their newest technologies and developments a place in the education of Fontys Information and Communication Technology by bringing in practical cases and developing lessons in co-creation with teachers.

Students work on business assignments and present the results to the them at the end of a semester. During these presentations, the partners can give direct feedback on the students' performance.

Expectations and opportunities

  • Co-creation: co-developing education and giving guest lectures.
  • Presenting the latest developments in the field.
  • Introducing students to the professional field.
  • Quality assurance per educational block and graduation track.
  • Providing insight into the latest technologies, making education more attractive.
  • Critically monitoring our curriculum through participation in a work field advisory committee.
  • Participating in the Strategic Advisory Board.


  • Involvement at open days.
  • Employer/brand awareness among students.
  • Students make assignments for companies.
  • Direct contact with (prospective) interns.
  • Interaction with other students through the Fontys ICT Career Day.
  • Direct contact with prospective employees.
  • Increased opportunities to get in touch with graduates.