LiveWall Group develops talk of the town online service and products. We create engagement, fun and make lives more easy around the globe. Always a front runner in the market and innovating for both our clients and ourselves. We work for global A-clients like Spotify, KLM and TakeAway.

“LET'S GO! ” Corporate website

LiveWall is involved with:


ICT & Media Design - Semester 2 - Demand based

LiveWall fulfills the role of client in the group projects in Eindhoven and in Tilburg and provide students with feedback.

ICT & Media Design - Semester 3 - Demand based

LiveWall fulfills the role of client in the group projects in Eindhoven and in Tilburg and provide students with feedback.

ICT & Software Engineering

Other Activities

LiveWall provides an external expert for graduation sessions ( Mr. Yeni van den Bergh en Mr. Jerre Maas ).

Review 2024 by LiveWall

Organization of Cooperation 8
Quality of education 7
Adequate knowledge to students 7
Cooperation last year 8
Average 7.5
All Reviews
Laméco Luckt