The Career Day takes place on Thursday 14 November in Eindhoven & Tuesday 19 November in Tilburg

General information for Partners

We organize the Fontys ICT Career Day exclusively for our partners and our students. A good moment to meet students, future interns, graduates and potential employees.

Information Fontys ICT Career Day Eindhoven

Location:  Fontys InnovationLab, Strijp-T (aanmelden op TQ4-1)
Achtseweg Zuid 151C, 5651 GW Eindhoven
Date:  Thursday 14 November 2024
Time:  11.30 tot 16.00 hours
Contact:, attn. Barbara Vannisselroy


Parking is available in front of the TQ building, but spaces are limited. There are several parking spaces around the building. Please take into account some walking distance.


11.30: Welcome companies, registration (no lunch)
12.00: Setting up stands
13:00: Fontys ICT Career Day officially opened for students
16.00: End of Fontys ICT Career Day, clean up stands
16.15: Informal drinks

Frequently asked questions

What will my company stand look like?
A wide table and power are available for each partner. If required, there are boards/whiteboards where you can hang posters, for example. You can set up your stand during the build-up.

How many / what type of people should I come with?
We recommend coming with three people. Two people is the absolute minimum, because many students come to your stand at the same time. Does your organisation employ former Fontys ICT students? If so, we would like to ask you to bring one of them along to the Career Day(s). For our students, it turns out to be very valuable to hear the (work) experiences of former students. 

How do you contact students? 
Students apply for the event via a registration app. Students spontaneously visit your booth. Through the app, each student has a personal QR code. If you have had a good conversation with a student and want to follow up on this conversation, the student can have the QR code scanned, giving you the contact details.  

What kind of students come to the Fontys ICT Career Day? 
Students from all semesters (both Bachelor and Associate degree) come to the Fontys ICT Career Day. There is an information market for information on different choices in their studies. And the company fair is there for students looking for an internship, graduate internship or job after graduation. For all students, it is interesting when side jobs are offered. 

Have all admission tickets for my colleagues been arranged / How can I arrange a new ticket for colleagues we will apply later? 
A ticket must be created in advance for all individual colleagues attending the Fontys ICT Career Day. The main contact person of each organisation regarding the Career Day has been asked to create these tickets. As soon as the main contact has created the tickets, the registered persons will receive a confirmation e-mail.

What is the admission ticket for? 

  • Entry to the event and receipt of a personal badge.
  • The ticket gives you access to scan students. Afterwards, you will receive their details by e-mail.

How do I use the registration app?
You will receive help on how to use the registration app during Fontys ICT Career Day.