The team of REDview BI consultants helps MKB-companies. We do this with concrete products and services such as real-time dashboards (REDboard and CASHboard), but we also help with the successful implementation of BI solutions at our customers.

We help these companies to structurally implement Business Intelligence in their organization.

The REDview Business Intelligence Controllers are experienced business consultants and experts in the combination of Finance and applicable IT. They are curious, open minded and enterprising. They think in terms of solutions and are focused on growth and development.
Our Business Intelligence Controllers are ready to join any BI-project of an organization, from (co-) project leader to hands-on Power BI-builder.

“Learning by doing with a practical case. A very valuable experience for the Fontys students” Corporate website

REDview BI is involved with:


ICT & Business - Semester 2 - Demand based
RB-Media Fontys Rockacademie